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Paleo Jump Start Diet Plan

Hey friends! Jess here,

Success with weight loss and eating healthy food is easy when you have everything mapped out for you.

We've got a free, full two-week Paleo diet meal plan created to help you feel better than you've ever felt.

My meal plan is designed to help you lose weight, increase your energy, have better digestion, reduce inflammation and most importantly, reset your frame of mind and end cravings so it is easier to eat healthy and live better.

You'll never go hungry with this plan because we've got filling breakfasts that will hold you over until lunch, and mid afternoon snacks that will make sure you are clear headed all the way until dinner. There's even a daily dessert option if you feel the need to indulge your sweet tooth.

You'll never look at a diet plan the same way again after you see the sort of foods you can eat on Paleo.

If you have never tried our recipes or meal plan before, this is the most gratifying and wholesome experience you will ever have. If you have already completed it, then you already know how beneficial it can be to your body, mind and overall wellbeing and happiness 🙂

IMPORTANT: You don't need to make every meal! Start off making small changes. For many of the meals, you will have leftovers. You can use the leftovers as dinner or lunch replacements for the next day.

Day One


paleo sweet potato hash
Breakfast Sweet Potato Hash – Cut out the regular white potatoes and go with this sweet potato hash served up with eggs for a nicely balanced Paleo meal. Sweet potatoes provide beta-Carotene, which converts to Vitamin A in the body, fueling you through your morning. They're also lower on the glycemic index so you can stay focused and alert and get stuff done.


tuna avocado lettuce wraps
Tuna Avocado Lettuce Wraps – The combination of protein from the tuna, and healthy fats from the avocado make this a fully satisfying lunch. The avocado also provides you with potassium and fiber, and it's important to get your daily fiber while on the Paleo diet. The wraps cut out the grains and carbs so you get a satisfying lunch, and feel great all afternoon. No food comas with Paleo, just pure energy from whole foods so you can be at your best.


strawberry fruit leather
Strawberry Fruit Leather – Bring a strip of fruit leather with you on the go and you'll feel like a little kid again! And when you make it yourself you don't have to worry about what's in it. There's nothing artificial about this fruit leather, and of course no High Fructose Corn Syrup. Snacking really is fun when you make snacks that don't send you off course or leave you feeling lousy.


cauliflower soup
Curried Paleo Cauliflower Soup – Have a bowl of this soup as a precursor to dinner, or serve it alongside the salmon and green beans. It's the sort of soup that will get you salivating as it simmers, and will signal your digestive juices that it's time to eat. It also provides you with a serving of cauliflower, a cruciferous vegetable with several health benefits.

paleo baked salmon
Dill & Lemon Baked Salmon in Parchment – This dish will be the centerpiece of the meal, and is the sort of satisfying fare you get to eat on the Paleo diet. Salmon is a highly recommended fish to eat on Paleo, and provides you with important omega-3s. It is one food that health experts agree you should have multiple times a week. Go with wild caught salmon for the best results and to avoid the contaminants found in farm-raised fish.

balsamic green bean salad
Balsamic Green Bean Salad – The tartness of the balsamic green beans goes well with the dill and lemon from the salmon. Always remember to get your vegetables on Paleo, and to lean towards getting more vegetables than meat with each meal. Our ancestors would have viewed meat as a treat and relied on vegetation to see them through, so always fuel up with veggies.

Dessert (optional)

coconut cupcakes
Coconut Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting – Finish off dinner with these light and fluffy cupcakes with frosting made from real chocolate. What makes the Paleo diet so unique is that it doesn't chastise you for having dessert when you feel like it. When you make dessert with Paleo ingredients it will propel you rather than leave you lethargic or guilty. So drop any notion that desserts are bad and should be avoided and get on board with healthy dessert eating.

Day Two


broccoli egg bake
Broccoli Egg Bake – This is like a quiche redefined, without any unnecessary ingredients, but plenty of flavor and nutrition. Broccoli is the poster child for healthy food, and supplies fiber to get your day off on the right foot and meet part of your daily fiber requirement. Eggs supply protein which powers you through till lunch.


zuchinni sub
Meatball Sandwich – You may get a bit messy with this meatball sandwich which gets rid of the bread and uses zucchini instead. Be sure to have a supply of napkins on hand. This meaty midday reprieve will make you feel like you're not on a diet at all, and without the grain and gluten from a regular sandwich, you'll be able to get stuff done after lunch.


homemade gluten-free energy bars
Energy Bars – Say goodbye to the post-lunch blahs with this energy bar that will help get you through the rest of your day with ease. It's great for those days when you just don't know where you'll be when hunger hits. It's super portable so you can have it while driving, even use it to power up before an after-work workout.


red curry
Thai Red Curry with Squash – Get all of the taste you'd expect from a traditional bowl of curry with the right adjustments to make it totally Paleo friendly. You'll be amazed at some of the meals you can have on the Paleo diet. You don't have to go without, or eat food that looks or tastes weird. You get to have full-flavored dishes like this one inspired by some of the tastiest cuisines on the planet.

cauliflower rice
Cauliflower Rice – The only way to serve up a bowl of Thai curry is with rice, but on Paleo we make it special using cauliflower. That means fewer carbs and a serving of vegetables to go along with your squash. Another example of how Paleo has been mislabeled as a meat-centric diet. Vegetables serve an important function, providing fiber, vitamins and minerals to supplement meat.

Dessert (optional)

coconut macaroons
Coconut Macaroons – Good luck trying to find another diet program out there that lets you enjoy macaroons with zero guilt when you're done. This recipe creates amazing tasting macaroons that you can even serve to non-Paleo dieters and they won't know that they're "diet food". Wholesome ingredients is the key to great-tasting desserts.

Day Three


breakfast burrito
Breakfast Burritos – Don't pull into the golden arches of doom, make up this delicious breakfast burrito instead and your waistline and heart will thank you. Avocado, spinach, and a lean protein are just some of the examples of why this is your new healthy breakfast go-to item. The tortillas are made grain-free out of eggs so your egg is built right in.


paleo nachos
Healthy Paleo Nachos – Nachos are on the menu when you're on Paleo, as long as you make them according to our no-longer-top-secret in-house recipe. Your coworkers will wonder how you eat all of this amazing looking food but appear to be losing weight. There's nothing quite as satisfying as a big plate of nachos, and on the Paleo diet you'll actually be helping to shed the pounds, not add them.


antioxidant shake
Antioxidant Berry Shake – This shake will load you up with antioxidants which will make you feel good by helping to protect you from free radicals. Health experts agree that antioxidants play an important role in helping to support the immune system and fight off major diseases like cancer and heart disease. No diet would be complete without a focus on these important nutrients.


spaghetti squash shrimp scampi
Spaghetti Squash Shrimp Scampi – Enjoy the full flavor of shrimp scampi without worrying that you're ruining your diet plan. This is a way to have a restaurant quality dinner in the comfort of your home and not wonder what's in your food or how it was made. Quality control is an important part of the Paleo diet concept, and learning to make delicious food is key to your success.

brussel sprouts
Honey Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts – A side of Brussels sprouts goes well with the scampi and provides plenty of fiber. Brussels sprouts are a cruciferous vegetable that is routinely linked to anti-cancer benefits. It's nice to know you're on a diet that promotes eating foods that are life-saving, as well as body-enhancing. Instead of feeling down about eating diet food, Paleo helps you look forward to eating.

gluten-free garlic breadsticks
Garlic Breadsticks – Top off the going out to eat feeling by having a serving of garlic breadsticks with your savory scampi. Breadsticks are just one sign that you won't have to sacrifice a traditional style meal on Paleo, you simply make adjustments to how the breadsticks are made and exclude the ingredients that harm you.

Dessert (optional)

gluten-free brownies
The Best Paleo Brownies – Why settle for the rest when you can have the best? That's right, brownies get the green light on Paleo! And not just any brownies, these brownies could be entered into a brownie bake-off and still come out on top. That's because you don't need to cut out the essential ingredients that make brownies so addictive.

Day Four


egg pizza
Breakfast Pizza – No leftover cold pizza for you! You get a hot, fresh pizza to start your day and keep you feeling satisfied until lunch. This is the sort of meal that will make you wonder if you're even on a diet anymore. But this is a real beauty, giving you eggs, bacon, spinach, and tomatoes for plenty of protein, nutrients, and antioxidants.


chicken lettuce wrap
Chipotle Chicken Lettuce Wraps – After such a filling breakfast you won't need much to keep yourself feeling good, and these chicken wraps have just the right spice to satisfy. Wrapping it up in lettuce skips the need for a grain-filled wrap so you'll have an easier time digesting these after lunch. On the Paleo diet you'll notice that you don't have those mid-afternoon snooze sessions that you did before.


baked apple chips
Cinnamon Apple Chips – Get a cinnamony sweet midday snack and you will be perfectly ready for dinner when dinnertime arrives. This is an effective follow-up to the chipotle wraps you had at lunch, giving you a different flavor for your taste buds, with sweetness coming from the apples and the flavor that only cinnamon can provide.


day four paleo meal plan
Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry – Let's keep things simple with this amazing combination of beef and broccoli that rivals the local Chinese place without things like MSG. Use grass-fed beef and you'll be getting more CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) which helps you burn fat instead of store it. It also helps to eat beef that is more like the sort of meat that Paleolithic man would have eaten, beef that's been fed a natural diet instead of processed grains that cows would not naturally eat.

cauliflower rice
Cauliflower Rice – Gotta serve up your stir fry with a side of Paleo-ified rice. It's remarkably easy to make and you'll be surprised at how closely it replicates the real thing. Instead of feeling bloated and stuffed after eating white rice, you'll feel full and satisfied with cauliflower rice. And the bonus is you won't be hungry again an hour later.

Dessert (optional)

grilled peaches
Grilled Peaches with Coconut Cream – The sweet and sourness of the peaches is the perfect cap to the beef and broccoli stir fry. We've listed all desserts as optional because it's really up to you and how you're feeling that night. If you're full and don't want dessert, don't have it. If you feel like you need that little something extra, or want to finish on a sweet note, go ahead and have it. You don't need to wrestle with the choice in your head, just listen to your body.

Day Five


sweet and salty granola
Granola – If you're missing the crunch of your favorite cereal or granola, this special blend will cure the craving and make you love Paleo even more. You may have to tinker with breakfast when you first start up with Paleo and find what suits you best, a big breakfast or something lighter with a mid-morning snack. Find that sweet spot where you break your fast without slowing yourself down.


fried rice
Shrimp Fried "Rice" – You've probably got leftover cauliflower rice from the night before, making today the perfect time to make this delectable dish. While fried rice ordered from the local Chinese restaurant is likely not health food, when you make it according to the Paleo diet you're getting a wholesome dish that is full of protein and vegetables and healthy coconut oil so you not only get a delicious lunch to enjoy, your body puts these nutrients to work for the rest of the day.


paleo pumpkin pie smoothie
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie – This smoothie tastes great anytime of year and is sure to make you love the rest of your afternoon. Smoothies make great snacks because they'll fill you up without making you feel full, so you can still function at your best, and if you were having some hunger you won't anymore.


kale casserole
"Pasta" Casserole – Sausage and kale get the starring roles here, but there's also spaghetti squash filling in for any pasta you may have been expecting. You'll notice that on Paleo you won't be missing classic dishes like pasta or spaghetti, you just sub in foods that are better for you so you get more vitamins and minerals, with fewer calories and carbs. The end result is a more satisfying meal and better health.

roasted cauliflower
Balsamic Roasted Cauliflower – Cauliflower never tasted so good! The tangy balsamic vinegar softens the cauliflower up nice while loading it up with flavor. Roasting vegetables gives them a new flavor dynamic and if there's a particular vegetable that you're not very fond of, try roasting it before making up your mind completely.

Dessert (optional)

chocolate chip cookie bars
Cookie Bars – This is the last cookie bar recipe you'll ever need, even approved by non-Paleo dieters as being ultra-delicious. Other diet plans make you give up things like cookie bars, or save them for a cheat meal of free day. There are no cheat meals or free days on the Paleo diet because it doesn't bar you from having your favorite foods or use a ton of willpower to make it through your day or week.

Day Six


pumpkin pancakes
Pumpkin Pancakes – Pancakes don't have to get the ax on Paleo, just be sure to follow our recipe and you'll be helping yourself rather than hurting yourself. Can't say that about most other pancakes out there, especially those that come from a mix or a restaurant. It's good to regain that control over your food and only feed yourself high quality meals.


taco salad
Taco Salad – This version of taco salad is the perfect light lunch to keep you cruising after a hearty breakfast. No giant deep fried taco shell bowl for this salad, just plenty of romaine lettuce which turns a calorie and fat-laden taco salad into a light, fresh, and still delicious lunch option. Ground beef provides protein to keep you sustained right up to your afternoon snack.


paleo energy bars
Energy Bars – If you made up the first batch of energy bars earlier in the week, you should still have a stash of them, unless you ate through them all already! Use one here and you'll cruise through to dinner, knocking out any important tasks you have with ease. The beauty of the Paleo diet is the energy it provides you with to live life to the fullest and be your authentic self.


squash soup
Roasted Butternut Squash Soup – Start your meal off right with this soup that provides a full serving of vegetables. Soup from a can may be convenient, but let's face it, it often doesn't live up to the taste expectation, and it's loaded with sodium and preservatives. Also it was likely made quite some time ago and has been sitting in a metallic can this whole time. Go fresh and experience the difference.

Grass-fed Steak with Balsamic Marinade – Using grass-fed beef makes a world of difference, and so does this marinade. Once you marinate a steak you'll likely never go back to not marinating it. It makes it so much more tender and juicy that a non-marinated steak just doesn't cut it anymore. When combined with the butternut squash soup and the beets and kale mix you're getting a balanced and complete Paleo meal.

roasted rosemary beets
Rosemary Beets with Garlicky Kale – The beets provide important antioxidants, while the kale provides phytonutrients and fiber, the perfect companion to a steak. The misperceptions is that Paleo is just about eating brontosaurus legs, but it's actually more focused on vegetables. The difference is it doesn't vilify meat, and allows for many types of meat to be eaten on a regular basis.

Dessert (optional)

chocolate mug cake
Chocolate Mug Cake – Whip up this cake in less time than it takes to prepare the batter for other cakes. You won't believe that a cake that tastes this good can be made in a matter of minutes. This is sure to save you from many a chocolate craving because you can make it faster than you can get to the store and buy a chocolate candy bar. Much easier than trying to convince your body that you don't want chocolate.

Day Seven


Frittatas – Enjoy a breakfast frittata with no post-breakfast remorse. Kale and red peppers make it a veggie delight! There's bacon in this as well, but you don't always have to have meat in every Paleo meal. If you want to leave out the bacon you can and this will still taste great. It's always a good idea to follow what you're craving and keep your body satisfied.


Shrimp Tacos with Homemade Ranch Dressing – Dip these amazing shrimp tacos in some Paleo ranch and you'll be transported to a new dieting dimension. There's just something fun and novel about dunking food before eating it, and these tacos harness that and make it a fun lunch to eat. Any diet that lets you have ranch dressing is one that you have a higher chance of sticking with.


kale chips
Kale Chips – Kale chips are the answer to any snack woes you've been having on Paleo. Who needs potato chips? These have all the crunch you'd expect from a potato chip, while also providing you with Vitamins A and C as well as minerals and plenty of fiber. You won't get that from a bag of commercial potato chips.


pot roast
Slow Cooker Pot Roast – The slow cooker does the heavy lifting, and all you need to do is tolerate the delicious smells for a few hours. If you started the Paleo diet on a Monday this will be your Sunday dinner. Sunday roasts are popular in many places across the globe, and you may want to make this a tradition in your home as well. It brings the family together on a meal that is a proven crowd-pleaser.

Dessert (optional)

chocolate cookies
Chocolate Cookies – Top off the day with a few chocolate cookies and put a checkmark in the box next to "Rock It Out This Week". Can you believe you've already made it through your first week of a diet? It's amazing how good Paleo can make you feel without making you feel deprived, or that you're missing out on all of the good things in life, like chocolate.

Day Eight


french toast
French Toast – Let's start week two on the right foot with a classic breakfast dish made Paleo friendly, including the syrup! That's right, instead of just having to go without French toast because of the no grains rule on the Paleo diet, you just make the bread grain-free and you're all set. Maple syrup is a natural source of sweetness that you can enjoy responsibly on Paleo.


paleo chicken stir fry
Spicy Pepper Chicken Stir Fry – Spice things up with this amazing chicken stir fry that relies heavily on multi-colored bell peppers. You can make this quickly in the morning and take it with you to reheat at work. It's colorful nature makes it more appealing to the senses, which translates to better tasting meal thanks to the psychology at work.


protein shake
Banana Chocolate Shake – It may taste like a dessert, but it's the perfect way to calm down the flames from lunch and hold you over until dinner. It's the perfect snack because it provides you with true energy to burn rather than making you reach for an "energy drink" or caffeinated beverage to get you through the rest of your day.


stuffed squash
Stuffed Yellow Squash – These squash get the ground beef treatment and make for a pretty well-balanced meal. It's always good to have a built-in vegetable with your meal, and stuffing a squash with beef provides just that. The savory flavor of the beef goes well with the mild flavor of the squash, and this may just end up on your regular dinner rotation. The most successful Paleo dieters are the ones that have a collection of go-to dinner recipes to take some of the thought process out of dinnertime.

roasted broccoli
Garlic Roasted Broccoli – Let's tip things over to the veggie side of the scale with this killer broccoli recipe. Eating more broccoli is easy when it tastes this good, so keep some on hand and don't be afraid to add it to any dinner that looks like it needs it. You'll get a serving of fiber, which helps keep your digestive system moving.

Dessert (optional)

lavender brownies
Lavender Maca Brownies – Make a batch of these brownies and you'll have no trouble winning people over to the Paleo side of life. It's just a better way of eating than anything else that's out there. Try it and you'll see. Week after week, month after month it's just easy to stay on the Paleo diet, especially when you have a mouthful of brownie.

Day Nine


stuffed breakfast peppers
Stuffed Breakfast Peppers – Breakfast is back with these stuffed peppers that will carry you well into the lunch hour. Take the time to make yourself a breakfast like this and it will pay dividends all day long. Waking up earlier is easy on Paleo because the food you'll have eaten the day before won't have a carryover effect to ruin your morning. Instead you'll find yourself more in tune with the natural rhythm of life, up with the sun and raring to go.


gluten-free spaghetti
"Spaghetti" with Meat Sauce – No traditional spaghetti here, just a serving of meat and veggies that leave you caveman trim. It's amazing how many "traditional" meals are ones that lead to weight gain. It's no wonder that following the Standard American Diet leaves so many people overweight and in need of medical assistance. Flip the script and enjoy these classic dishes without jeopardizing your health.


kale smoothie
Green Kale Smoothie with Mango – The green smoothie craze is more than just a craze when you're on Paleo, it's a way to drink your vegetables. Mango helps the kale go down, and following our recipe gives this smoothie just the right flavor so you'll look forward to the next time you can have this.


easy shepherd's pie
Shepherd's Pie – Once you ditch the white potatoes, Shepherd's Pie is a wholesome meal that covers all of your bases. This is another example of how you can borrow recipes from different countries, exploring the world without leaving home, and making adjustments so it's all healthy. Just knowing you can make a dish like this quickly and easily takes a lot of stress out of the eating equation.

creamy avocado dressing
Caesar Salad with Spicy Avocado Dill Dressing – Use a bed of romaine lettuce, lose the croutons, and top things off with this dressing for a spicy kick. It's not going to taste like a traditional Caesar salad, but you may end up preferring it this way. Paleo is all about broadening your horizons, not limiting what you can eat to just a handful of approved items.

Dessert (optional)

paleo no bake cookies
No-Bake Walnut Cookies – No bake means you can make this without involving your oven, but be sure to allot some time to cool them off. The prep work may be done in just minutes, but it's going to be at least 30 minutes in the freezer before you can have one.

Day Ten


breakfast muffins
Savory Breakfast Muffins – Muffins don't have to be sweet, and these use eggs as their main ingredients so it's breakfast in muffin form. The best part is that they have the portability of a muffin, so you can grab one and go on your way without having to sit down to a formal breakfast. Toss one on a paper towel and you don't even need a plate and you'll have a napkin ready when you're done.


roasted paleo citrus and herb chicken
Citrus and Herb Chicken – Prepare this the night before and it's just 30 minutes in the oven for a filling lunch. We recommend going with organic free-range chicken so you're not getting all of the hormones and drugs that are pumped into conventional chickens to get them to grow faster and to keep them from getting sick while they're all caged up and living on top of each other. They'll also be fed organic feed free of herbicides, pesticides, and GMOs.


sweet potato chips
Sweet Potato Chips dipped in Ketchup with a Kick – This snack provides the crunch of potato chips but provides fiber and antioxidants. The ketchup is optional but recommended in order to have a more satisfying snacking experience. Never forego anything that is allowed on the Paleo diet and will make for a better snack. It's not part of the Paleo diet philosophy and will just make you want to cheat at some point.


baked salmon with lemon
Baked Salmon with Lemon and Thyme – Salmon is one of the best things you can eat on Paleo, and we'll have it again here, with a different twist. You'll notice that you automatically get more healthy food into your regular line-up as a byproduct of following the Paleo diet. Rather than get caught up in all of the health news and scientific proof, it just makes sense that wholesome, natural food is what the body needs and truly craves, and that's what you get on Paleo.

cauliflower tabbouleh
Cauliflower Tabbouleh – This is a way to try a somewhat authentic dish, with the modifications in place to make it Paleo. You'll never say you're bored with what's on the Paleo menu, as it borrows dishes from around the world, sampling herbs and spices that are new, exciting, and enticing. There's just so much to try and discover, that you'll always look forward to your next meal.

Dessert (optional)

chocolate chip muffins
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins – End the day's eating with these muffins and you'll avoid any late night trips to the fridge. When chocolate chip muffins are part of a diet plan, it shifts the focus from "What will I be forced to eat next?" to "What amazing thing am I going to get to eat next?". That's a seismic shift that means the difference between success and failure.

Day Eleven


eggs benedict
Eggs Benedict – Bet you never thought you'd have anything as swank as Eggs Benedict while on Paleo, but here it is in all its glory. Of course you're not going to get a regular old English muffin, so instead these are resting on artichoke hearts. Leave it to our Paleo chefs to come up with unique and tasty ways to enjoy some of the finest foods there are.


paleo diet jambalaya
Hearty Jambalaya – This is a dish you can make ahead of time, and actually tastes better once all of the ingredients have been able to rest with each other. Bombard your taste buds with robust flavor, and you'll notice that it makes the dish even more satisfying. It's like sensory overload, but in a good way. Try not to smirk when you see your coworkers trying to enjoy a sandwich.


energy bars
Energy Bars – Our energy bars will keep you feeling charged up for the afternoon, without all of the mysterious ingredients you find in store bought bars. If snacktime rolls around and you don't feel like a snack, save it for the next day. You never want to eat when you're not feeling hungry, so listen to the signals from your body and snack accordingly.


balsamic chicken
Balsamic Chicken with Roasted Tomatoes – A classic dish that is sure to satisfy every member of the family. No complaints that you're having chicken for dinner again when the chicken is infused with balsamic flavor and is served up with succulent roasted tomatoes. Protein from the chicken combines with lycopene from the tomatoes for a burst of nutrition. Combine it with the squash and onions and it's quite the meal.

roasted butternut squash
Roasted Butternut Squash and Onions – Let's add a bit more fiber to dinner with these delicious roasted squash and onions. Butternut squash shows up a lot in Paleo cooking because it is so versatile. It can be used to replace the thick noodles in a lasagna, or julienned to make French fries. There's just so much you can do that it's a good idea to keep yourself stocked with it.

Dessert (optional)

baked apples
Spiced Apples Baked in Brandy – A sweet and spicy dessert infused with the flavor of brandy, but without the alcohol. It works nicely as a finisher to the meal described above, and is also a great dessert to serve up to impress your friends. You don't even have to mention you're doing the Paleo diet, as this is a dessert that no one will suspect is diet food.

Day Twelve


egg frittata
Breakfast Casserole – Zucchini and chorizo make a great meat and veggie pair and this will have you feeling ready to take on the day without slogging you down. If you're not currently a big breakfast eater, and sometimes miss breakfast, you'll find that a Paleo breakfast might get you out of bed. They're tasty, easy to make, and make you feel awesome.


tuna salad
Tuna Avocado Lettuce Wraps – With the avocado you're getting fiber, healthy fat, and potassium, and the tuna provides omega-3s and protein. An awesome duo! This is a lunch you can turn to again and again because it covers all of the bases while leaving you fully alert and ready to tackle your afternoon tasks. Works great when you've had a big and satisfying breakfast and just need something to hold you over till snacktime or dinnertime.


berry shake
Antioxidant Berry Shake – Revisit this berry shake after your light lunch and you'll have no problems finishing off your workday. This is a shake that you'll always look forward to because the sweetness of the berries helps conquer any sweet cravings, without the need of refined sugar. Savor the berry flavor and you'll feel that natural energy rush with no crash later.


roasted tomato soup
Roasted Tomato Soup – This soup is something you have to try if you're a fan of tomato soup. The roasting gives it a special quality that regular tomato soup just doesn't have. The acidity of the tomatoes gets your digestive juices flowing, making it a great starter for the stuffed bell peppers to follow. You could also use this soup as a light lunch, since it delivers that nostalgic taste of true comfort food.

stuffed bell peppers
Stuffed Bell Peppers – Ground turkey gets the go ahead as the stuffing for these peppers, making for a meaty and filling dinner. There are plenty of meats to choose from on the Paleo diet, so it's a good idea to keep it varied and don't get into a rut. Ground turkey can be a nice break from chicken and beef, and provides lots of protein without as much saturated fat as beef. Fat grams are not something you count on Paleo, it's just smart to eat various types of food.

Dessert (optional)

blueberry paleo cake
Blueberry Lemon Cake – Let them eat cake, even on Paleo! This blueberry lemon concoction gives you a different flavor than a chocolate dessert, and lets your taste buds take on the tart taste of lemon mixed with the sweetness of the blueberries. A tasty way to finish another delicious day on the Paleo diet.

Day Thirteen


banana nut muffins
Banana Nut Muffins – Want an easy breakfast? Make these muffins the night before and they'll be waiting for you when you wake up. It's handy to have breakfast ready when you wake up, and if you have a busy morning or a lazy morning, having a muffin ready to greet you is a treat. Never underestimate the power of a breakfast that makes you feel good, even if it's "just a muffin".


paleo chili
Super Easy Crock Pot Chili – Make this when you wake up and it will be ready for you for a late lunch. Chili can be a drawn out process with lots of prep work but here we've simplified it so it's easy to put together and there's no need to babysit it while it's in the Crock Pot. You'll have to pick up some new habits while doing the Paleo diet, and making yourself chili for lunch may be one of them. If you start Paleo on a Monday this day will fall on a Saturday so you won't feel rushed to make it.


raw brownie bites
Raw Brownie Bites – These bites will make you feel like you're cheating on your diet plan, but you're totally not. It's like having dessert in the middle of the day, and is satisfying on so many levels. Keeping them raw means you don't need to bake them, making them the perfect summertime snack when you don't feel like turning on the oven, but still want brownies.


pulled pork
Crock Pot Pulled Pork – Pork never had it so good. It comes out super tender and ready to eat. Make as much as you can because having leftover pulled pork is not a problem. You can have pulled pork sandwiches, or just have some straight up when you start feeling hungry. The slow cooker has a knack for cooking pork until it's just right, so this is one dish you and your loved ones will be glad to have again.

mashed cauliflower
Mashed Cauliflower with Garlic – Mashed potatoes are out, but you won't notice as long as you have the perfect stand-in. Served up next to the pulled pork this will give you the feeling like you're having a classic meal, but really you're not. You're getting a serving of cruciferous vegetable with your pork, adding the fiber necessary to properly digest it.

Dessert (optional)

pumpkin cookies
Pumpkin Cake Cookies – If you were a good boy or girl today, have a cookie! And even if you weren't, go ahead and have one too. There's no need to analyze your decision making while on Paleo. Getting rid of the emotional connection with food, all of the baggage associated with failed diet attempts, the guilt, the remorse, it all needs to go out the window. If you want the cookie, have it!

Day Fourteen


shrimp and grits
Shrimp & Grits – Here's a unique breakfast combination that provides just the right proportion of meat and vegetables, and even works in some bacon. Grits are a popular dish in southern parts of America, and this recipe attempt to capture everything that's great about grits, and supe it up with some shrimp for added protein to balance the carbs.


turkey meatballs
Turkey Pesto Meatballs – The taste of pesto is unrivaled, and luckily it's made with all Paleo friendly ingredients, so enjoy! If you can find it, go with organic ground turkey. You'll be getting a higher quality meat and coming closer to the type of food that would have been available to our ancestors. The meat they would eat was naturally organic and free of all the junk put into our food by food manufacturers.


tortilla chips
Tortilla Chips and Guacamole – Once you solve the tortilla chip problem, chips and guac is back on the menu. Luckily we solved the problem for you with our tortilla chip recipe. You won't believe the crunch on these chips. So satisfying there's no way you'll miss restaurant chips or the stuff sold in stores. Dive into that guac with reckless abandon!


paleo salsa
Tomato Salsa Bowl Appetizer – Have an app while you're waiting for the casserole to bake. It'll make the meal more fun, and why can't you have an app at home just like you would if you were at a restaurant? The only difference is this appetizer won't add to your waistline, or your bill.

chicken casserole
"Cheesy" Paleo Chicken Casserole – Rebecca has figured out a way to make this casserole taste cheesy without the use of any cheese whatsoever. It's pretty remarkable, and a perfect example of how you can please your taste buds without sacrificing your body to unhealthy foods that only muck up your insides. Treat yourself right and you'll see results over time.

Dessert (optional)

blueberry crisp
Legendary Gluten-Free Blueberry Crisp – Make up our signature blueberry crisp and you'll discover why it's been dubbed legendary. It's absolutely bursting with blueberry flavor, and the crisp has been made without any grains, so you don't have to feel bad about eating it. Enjoy the sweetness of life, and don't skip dessert if you really want it!

Learn More About the Paleo Diet

Start with the Basics

You can only build as tall as your foundation is deep, so make sure you have a good grasp of what it means to eat Paleo. If you are completely new to the Paleo diet, learn more about it here.

See Which Foods You Should Eat – Get a firm grounding on which foods to include in your Paleo eating.

See Which Foods You Should Avoid – There are certain foods that just aren't allowed on Paleo, and excluding them from your cooking is essential if you want to have success.

Get the Benefits of Paleo – One of the main reasons Paleo has endured the test of time is the benefits that come from it. See what you can expect when you make the switch to healthier eating.

Learn How to Make it a Lifestyle – Don't just eat like a caveman, simplify your life and life becomes a lot easier and more fun!

Prepare Yourself for Success
The right attitude will make all the difference, and once you establish a can-do mindset it's time to round up some resources that will make the process a whole lot easier.

Bookmark the Complete Paleo Shopping List – Pick up the essentials the next time you're out hunting and gathering (grocery shopping). With this list you won't have to think about what to get each time you go.

Get 114 Quick Tips for Paleo Dieters – Armed with these tips you'll have an easier time following the Paleo diet and picking up the habits that help it become a lifestyle.

Learn Paleo Diet Food Substitutions – Substituting the right ingredients for the wrong ones will help you enjoy the foods you love in a new and healthier way. Upgrade your favorite recipes today!

Browse the Ultimate Paleo Diet FAQ – Have a Paleo question? It's likely covered in our extensive FAQ page. Get quick answers to the most commonly asked questions.

Paleo Recipes & Extra Resources

Lacking the right recipe at the right time can spell a serious speed bump in your progress. Always know the best thing to do with the ingredients in your fridge by having a plethora of recipes on hand.

Over 470 Additional High-Quality Paleo Recipes – The Paleo Grubs Book has over 470 paleo diet recipes, all with high quality photos, easy instructions, and reliable results.

Get Even More Amazing Paleo Recipes – The more recipes you have at your disposal, the better you can put the ingredients you have on hand to use in delicious ways.

See the 100 Best Paleo Recipes – Looking for a recipe that will knock your socks off? We share our favorites so you can be cooking up a scrumptious meal in no time.

Our 50 Favorite Paleo Snacks to Supplement the Meal Plan

Triple Berry Chia Seed Parfait – You'll see why everybody loves parfait in this triple berry concoction with healthy chia seeds included.

Shrimp and Avocado Jalapeno Poppers – Restaurant-quality jalapeno poppers without the dairy and with protein-packed shrimp instead.

Paleo Spring Rolls – Bite into one of these Paleo spring rolls and you'll get a satisfying snack with no delivery needed.

Paleo Pizza Bites – Never crave pizza again with these Paleo pizza bites. Massive pizza flavor with nothing unhealthy.

Chewy Chocolate Energy Shot Blocks – Get a burst of energy from just one of these chocolate energy "shots". Have two if you're really feeling drained.

Chipotle Strawberry Kale Chips – An interesting take on the ubiquitous kale chip. Strawberry sweetness mixed with chipotle spice

Chewy Granola Bars – The healthy way to avoid the granola bar aisle at the grocery store. Chewy goodness that fuels your body.

Kiwi Chips – One of the best fruity snacks on the Paleo diet, you'll never look at a kiwifruit the same way again.

Chunky Salsa – Thick, chunky salsa is one cure for a snacking craving. Salsa is generally a Paleo friendly snack as it is.

Bacon Wrapped Olives – Make yourself a fancy snack that takes advantage of the bacon loophole. Each bite is an avalanche of flavor.

Zesty Turnip Chips – Don't lament over not being able to have potato chips. These turnip chips are seasoned to flavorful perfection.

Apple Pie Caveman Bars – All the flavor of an apple pie in this portable snacktime treat that provides the nourishment of an apple.

Coconut Mango Gummy Treats – Gummy treats aren't just for kids anymore. Not when they're made Paleo friendly and irresistibly delicious.

Paleo Berry Smoothie – Smoothies are a smart snacking option and this quick and delicious Berry smoothie is sure to delight.

Almond Butter and Granola Apples – Almond butter is destined to become your new best friend. Top an apple with it and you're in for a treat.

Paleo Guacamole – Guacamole is a natural choice while on the Paleo diet, and this recipe uses just five ingredients.

Salted Caramelized Plantains with Coconut Cream – Dipping foods is a novelty that is very satisfying, and you get that feature here with these plantain chips and dip.

No-Grain Granola – A handful of granola is remarkably sustaining, and this no-grain version doesn't interfere with the Paleo lifestyle.

Spiced Mulberry Cookies – Cookies are a fun way to snack, and this recipe shows you how to make cookies without all the junk.

Baked Cinnamon Apple Chips – These crunchy, hearty apple chips knock out both your crunchy craving and your sweet craving at the same time.

Chocolate Cashew Clusters – You just can't beat the flavor combination of chocolate and cashews. The buttery chocolate flavor always works.

Raw Protein Bars – Power up with protein no matter where you happen to be with these raw protein bars made with whole foods.

Chocolate Peppermint Snack Balls – The classic flavor combination of peppermint and chocolate is on display in these delectable snack balls.

Pepperoni English Muffin Pizzas – One of the tastiest ways to enjoy pizza flavor while doing the Paleo diet. Check out their English muffin recipe.

Triple Nut Butter Bars – Not one, not two, but three different nut butters go into these bars, filling them with healthy fat, protein, and fiber.

Chili Lime Butternut Squash – Butternut squash like you've never seen it before, infused with the spicy flavor of chili and lime to balance it out.

Buffalo Deviled Eggs – Deviled eggs will never be the same after you try them buffalo style. Protein and minerals without the deep fryer

Paleo Snack Mix – Move aside Chex Mix, there's a Paleo friendly version coming through. Only healthy ingredients make it into this mix.

Paleo Bagel Bites – Don't worry, there's no bagels in these bagel bites, just plenty of delicious Paleo items that go together well.

Huli Huli Chicken Wings – Chicken wings are a snack that satisfies, and these Hawaiian style wings keep them healthy and flavorful.

Not Quite Sausage Rolls – Enjoy sausage rolls on the Paleo diet with this special recipe, complete with step-by-step instructions.

Almond Joy Coconut Butter – Spread this coconut butter on all sorts of Paleo foods and you'll turn them into an incredibly tasty treat.

Cinnamon Parsnips – Put parsnips on your shopping list because this recipe shows you how to turn them into a cinnamony snack.

Creamy Spinach Artichoke Dip – You don't have to give up your favorites while doing the Paleo diet. Here's a classic that's made in a healthy way.

Chocolate Studded Pear Bread – That's right, you can have bread on Paleo, and you can even have bread that tastes like pears and chocolate.

Buffalo Style Cashews – Crunchy, buttery cashews get the buffalo treatment so they're spicy hot and make a great game time snack.

Strawberries n' Cream Bars – Luscious strawberry flavor gets a creamy partner in these bars that work as a great pre-lunch snack.

Pepperoni Pizza Tater Tots – These tots aren't made from potatoes, and are filled with a pizza center making them a kid-approved snacking device.

Strawberry Pudding – Break away from the traditional chocolate pudding and go with this strawberry version for a nice shake up.

Cranberry Cherry Granola Bars – Granola bars are a nice go-to snack that can go anywhere, and this version uses fruit to make it extra delish.

Cashew Cardamom Date Balls – These snack balls are made with cashews and dates, with cardamom providing additional flavor.

Untraditional Trail Mix – Ditch the traditional style trail mix and go with this gathering of items that are all Paleo diet friendly.

Tahini & Wholegrain Mustard Crackers – Sometimes all you need is a cracker for a snack, and these crackers deliver tons of taste from tahini and mustard.

Crispy Smoked Ham and Prosciutto Chips – Chips made from meat is something you'll only find on the Paleo diet. Protein-packed chips without frying.

Paleo Pop Tarts – Pop Tarts just don't cut it as a healthy breakfast, but these Paleo style knock-offs make a fun snack.

Sweet Potato Bites – Harness the awesome power of sweet potatoes in these bites and you have the perfect hold-me-over snack.

Chocolate Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries – If you're going to stuff a strawberry, you might as well stuff it with chocolate cheesecake, Paleo style if you please.

Strawberry Lemon Muffins – Muffins work as a snack, providing you just enough nourishment without spoiling your appetite for your next meal.

Spiced Orange Date Balls – Snack balls work great because they're pre-portioned and ready to roll. These have a nice spicy orange flavor.

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Paleo Jump Start Diet Plan
